Ages: 4 years old through 1st Grade AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.
Our Goal: To educate our players in the “fun”damentals of the ball field.
Days: Saturdays 9am – 11am
Location: Hansen Park
Cost: $40
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type) & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type) & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
2025 On-Line Registration: https://forms.gle/DmrRbqq3AdZHtt77A
Ages: 2nd thru 4th Grade AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.
Our Goal: Teach the basic fundamentals of softball. Including good sportsmanship, proper conduct, goodwill & fellowship, 100% participation & having fun!
Days: Wednesday evenings. Games are at 5:45 & 7:00. Practice will be held 1 evening/weekend day at discretion of the coach
Location: Hansen Park – West Diamond
Cost: Bristol Resident = $30; non-Bristol Resident = $40
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type) & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type) & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
Ages: 5th thru 8th Grade AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.
Our Goal: Teach the basic fundamentals of softball. Including good sportsmanship, proper conduct, goodwill & fellowship, 100% participation & having fun!
Days: Wednesday evenings. Games are at 5:45 & 7:00. Practice will be held 1 evening/weekend day at discretion of the coach
Location: Hansen Park – East Diamond
Cost: Bristol Resident = $30; non-Bristol Resident = $40
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type), pitchers face mask & water bottle
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type), pitchers face mask & water bottle
Ages: 9th thru 12th Grade AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.
Our Goal: Teach the basic fundamentals of softball. Including good sportsmanship, proper conduct, goodwill & fellowship, 100% participation & having fun!
Days: Thursday evenings. Games are at 5:45 & 7:00. Practice will be held 1 evening/weekend at discretion of the coach
Location: Hansen Park – East Diamond
Cost: Bristol Resident = $30; non-Bristol Resident = $40
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type), pitchers face mask & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
Bristol Recreation Supplies: uniform (t-shirt), helmets, bats & balls
Player Supplies: glove, footwear (close-toed, no metal, no flip flop or croc type), pitchers face mask & water bottle,
optional – personal helmet and/or bat
Interested in being a Volunteer Form: see above, must be returned to Village Hall or Board Member with a copy of a drivers license.